Tuesday, July 26, 2016

The Parable of the Weeds: Love Will Overcome Hate

The Parable of the Weeds: Love Will Overcome Hate


‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’

“No,’…he answered, ‘because….you may

uproot the wheat with them….”

~Matthew 13:28, 29


The Parable of the Weeds gives us an insight to why evil and good co-exist in the divine plans of the almighty God in the lives of mankind.


Every human being by nature have the disposition to love and hate, be happy or sad, create or impede opportunities for growth, neighborliness and friendship. Additionally, we all have within us the capacity to build or destroy, advocate for life or engage in killing one another and propagate peace or war.


Through it all, many of us wonder why there is so much evil in our world and why should a loving God let that happen, given the fact that there is nothing that is impossible for him to do! We invariably want God to come and create heaven on earth for us, period.


However, the Parable of the Weeds explore a unique dimensions for humanity and especially for the children of God; those who by faith believe in the goodness and salvation of the almighty God through Jesus Christ our savior and Lord of our lives.


The explanation that was given by our Lord Jesus Christ clearly manifest the uniqueness of every individual person to God and further cement the obvious, that God will not destroy the innocent with the guilty (Genesis 18: 20-32).


Jesus Christ replied the disciples concerns by way of explanation stating the following facts:


He, Jesus Christ, the Son of Man is the one who sows good seed!

The enemy; Devil sows the weeds

The field is the world!

The good seed are the children of the Kingdom!

The weeds are the children of the Evil one!

The harvest is the end of the age and

The harvesters are the angels of God!


The question we ought to dwell upon is Am I the Seed or the Weed?


In order to be the Seed and therefore the children of God, we must become LOVE by loving God, keeping his commandments and loving one another!


As the Seed, which personify LOVE, we must therefore be patient, kind and not jealous. We must not brag nor be arrogant; rather we must be fill with humility. As love, we must be generous, rejoice in righteousness, truth and goodness. We must be self-controlled, refusing to be easily provoked, forgive and do not take into account a wrong suffered. We must bear all things, believe all things, hopes all things and endures all things.


By these fruits, we are indeed the Seeds and therefore the children of God.


Now, when evil befalls us, there is the natural tendency of wanting to get rid of it!  If God is to respond to wickedness or malevolence by just getting rid of the source, there is also the propensity that the Seed might be hurt is reminding us!

Therefore, the Lord, Jesus Christ said “No,” because he does not want us to be hurt.


As a seed we are also given the unique task of showing to the many weeds we encounter in life that our God is compassionate, merciful and kind, and always willing to change us into Seed, if only we are serious about giving up on our evil ways.


Therefore the next time you hear about such acts such as terrorism, racism and hate crime directed by the weeds in our lives, we who claim to be the seeds of God must pray and act, so that the goodness of God will overcome the evil of the Devil, and the light of love will overshadow the darkness of hatred.


We are the seeds of God when we love one another!

We are the seeds of God when we sacrifice for one another!

We are the seeds of God when we put God first in our lives!

We are the seeds of God when we feed those who hunger!

We are the seeds of God when we clothe the naked!

We are the seeds of God when we stand for justice and speak out against evil!

We are the seeds of God when we treat others with fairness!

We are the seeds of God when we forgive our enemies!

We are the seeds of God when we help people to be good!

We are seeds of God when we work to make our environment safe!

We are the seeds of God when we visit the sick and prisoners!

We are the seeds of God when we love our country and support good laws!

We are the seeds of God when we see God in everyone irrespective or race!

We are the seeds of God when we refused to discriminate against others!


Today we must ask ourselves, am I a Seed of a Weed for my family, friends and neighbors?


I don not care whether you are Black or White, Latino or Asian, resides in the developed countries of the world or in the developing worlds, educated or illiterate, rich or poor, tall or short!

I do not care about whether you are considered to be evil or a good person, whether your sexual orientation is straight or not!

What is most important today is whether you are willing to become a Seed of God, a child of God, and that means giving up on those things that are represented by the Weeds; death, sin, hurt, pain, deception, discriminations, wickedness, malice, envy, jealousy and other forms of evil!




O Lord our God, today I come before your throne of grace and seek your divine intervention in our lives!

Please change us into your perpetual Seeds today and always so that as love we may overcome the Weed of hate.

Help us to cope with the Weeds in our lives that we are unable to change.

Above all, let your love reign within our hearts today, so that we as your Seeds are able to be the light of the world.

In Jesus Christ mighty name, I prayed and with a thanksgiving heart for the gift of life, family and neighbors. Amen.



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