Wednesday, July 20, 2016

In Memoriam: Mama Fatu Onoja Odeh

In Memoriam: Mama Fatu Onoja Odeh

Words failed me and for the first time I am unable to fully express how I really feel about the transition of another of my “mother.”
My friends in America kept us asking me, how many mothers do I have?
The answer is simply, too numerous to count, because in Africa, your mother is that woman, sister, daughter and even stranger that love you so much that she’s willing to breastfeed you and treat you like one of her blood!

I am from a polygamous family; that is already established!
What many people, however did not know about my family is that when you come closer, irrespective of the challenges we face, deep down in our heart, love permeates all our actions. We the siblings grow up loving ourselves in a unique ways that makes so many to envy the Odeh’s family.
This would not have been possible without the exemplary lives of all of our mothers.
Today, I write with heavy heart, the humanly untimely transition of one of my mother, Mama Fatu Onoja Odeh of blessed memories.
I am who I am today in part because of her love, care and compassionate discipline that abound in every good mother!
I am also in the field that I am because way back in the primary school when I was playfully doing a demonstration of how plants grow, she told me science was the best thing for me.
She was there for me as a child, as any mother will be for her child.
She was at my graduation.
She was at my traditional marriage in Kabba, Kogi State, Nigeria.
She was in Abuja for my church wedding at Holy Rosary Catholic Church.
She was with us when my first son Fidelis Oga Odeh Jr., was born
She was with my family when Oronya Jr., was born, even though I had left Nigeria.

Then my brother Innocent died and John followed, and we all begin to wonder for how long can a woman bear these losses? If not for her trust and hope in God, no human being could have expected that my mother will be here until now!
She waited until her last born and the youngest of my siblings, Onoja Jr., got married; with plenty of celebration, dancing, eating and merrymaking, all the guests have gone back to their respective homes and every place have become quiet, then quietly she urge the Lord, our God in whom she trust, to come now because she’s ready to return back to her creator.
There has never been a time that death is ever a welcome thing in life, no matter how deplorable the condition of a man may be, and this case is not any different. Nevertheless, I dare to celebrate the life and time of my mother, Mama Fatu!
Yes, I dare to celebrate her life and offer God, thanksgiving for her stay with us!
She is as fair as the moon and bright as the sun for all of her children; encouraging and admonishing us at the same time. While people see our mistakes, she deliberately chose to see our efforts to right the wrong.
I am very much encouraged by the words of the Prophet Jeremiah:

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I dedicated you….”
~ Jeremiah 1: 5

Now that you have begun your journey to eternity, please Mama Fatu do me a favour: Pray for all of us that you are leaving behind! Ask God to give courage and strength to all your children especially, Inalegwu and Owoicho and also Onyema and her children.
Okay, greet John, Innocent, Amedu, Eliza and all our beloved ones that have faithfully departed this world.
As you rest, may the almighty God shine upon your beautiful soul, his perpetual light of eternal life and glory and may your soul and those of our beloved and all the faithful rest in perfect peace in our Lord, Jesus Christ. Amen!
I love you, but our God love you more!


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