Sunday, July 24, 2016

Civility, civilization and God!

Civility, civilization and God!

Civility must not be an excuse to adapt negativity.
Civility does not imply complacency in faith.
You can be civil while remaining a Christian or person of faith.

Civilization in contrast to barbarism and chaos is a state of advancement and orderliness of the highest level.
However, this orderliness will be threatened if at any time, we refuse the necessity of God in our lives.
The family, which is the microcosm of a nation, is the foundation of civilization as planned by the almighty God and to deny this fundamental truth is a recipe for anarchy, dogmatism and mediocrity.

Any country that takes away God from her people is considered a communist nation, which is one in which the apparent orderliness is guided by the government and not human conscience anymore. As we have witnessed, this development and the purported organization of lives and properties are in reality simply a mirage, since it is neither deep rooted nor real.

When a country, no matter how civilized consciously negates the necessity for God and prayers, the end results is barbarism and chaos! This is evident on the basis of the fact that, under such environment, men no longer feel the urge to show compassion, act base on conscience nor consider any law higher than the man made constitution.
Under this ugly environment, people attempts to do the "right" thing not because they are considerate about the need to love or show wisdom (the fear of God), but simply to fulfill an obligation.

Consequently, when a government advocate laws that maybe anti- love, anti-hope and anti-faith, anti-diversity, anti-progressive and anti-integration; for instance the tolerating of the status quo that discriminates people on the basis of race, socio-economic and political status, creed and the manifestation of law enforcement officers treating people based on stereotypes, dogmatic and mediocre philosophy and the perception that some people are problematic and too rigid to tame, those who executes these laws feel justified by their conduct because they are operating based on the constitutionality of such law irrespective whether it is humane or otherwise.

In this country, we need God in all ramifications of human endeavors.

We need God in government!
We need God in Schools!
We need God in public!
We need God in our lives and especially,
We need God in our homes!

If you claim to have faith and believe in a God and your life is guided by the constitution which is manmade, limited and in most cases enunciated to punish, rather than in the law of God whose heart is mercy and justice, you are fundamentally part of the problem.

Simple examples of the limitation of living under the law of current civilization as opposed to the kind of civilization that God wants humanity to live by are:

Slavery used to be legal, but is neither godly nor right.
Lynching used to be legal but is not right
Racism used to be legal, but it's not right.
Discrimination used to be legal, but not right.
Killing used to be legal but is not right.
Hatred is legal and justified, but is not right.

True civilization therefore is when humanity consciously act based on a good and godly conscience without the presence of a kind of a body camera, traffic camera and or security camera!

If in the absence of body camera, the police will not ill-treat in a discriminatory pattern some categories of people that will amount to civilization that God intends for us!

If in the absence of security camera, I refuse to take advantage and hurt someone else, that is civilization.

If in the absence of violence, I find time to pray with my family, community and in school and every place else, again, this is civilization.

The opposite to some of the examples above leads to anarchy as manifested in the lack of values for virtues, lives and properties, increase suicidal tendencies, lack of mutual respect and love and most especially the death of the spiritual being, of which every human being is!


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