Monday, July 18, 2016

Let Justice Prevail: Attack on Police is Attack on All of Us!


The country is hurting right now following series of gun violence leading to the death of two unarmed Black Americans and eight police officers, of which one is also black and the rest White cops.


The genesis of the recent fatal attacks on the police came on the heel of the shooting to death of Mr. Sterling in Baton Rouge, Louisiana and Mr. Castile in Minnesota, both blacks and unarmed fueling massive demonstrations organized by the #Blacklivesmatters movement which composition is a microcosm of America.


Following these ugly incidents in which the entire world stood still at the callousness, denigration and inhumanity that was displayed on the cell phone capture of these cold-blooded killings of these Black men, many in the country felt the Police officers are being treated like sacred cows and they can kill at will without justice prevailing.


Another dimension emerges, when a Black man, who was a veteran acting as a lone wolf, murdered five police officers and wounded seven more excluding Americans demonstrating police brutality in Dallas, Texas! The attack was carried out with Assault Rifle and the suspect was later killed using a Robot driving bomb.


On July 17, 2016, the country again, has to stand still to witness yet another senseless, detrimental and absolutely uncalled for attack on the Police officers at Baton Rouge, this time leading to the death of three (two White and a Black) officers.


This is a very inimical trend that has the potential of permanently damaging the psychological balance between the police and the community she served. Additionally, the country cannot fold her arm and watch in horror this kind of barbaric retaliation.


Enough is enough!


It is about time, we allow the justice system to prevail, but in a fashion that convict the guilty and free the innocent!

It is also about time that Americans of all race, ideology and creed are treated on the basis of the principles of justice, humanity and fundamental human rights.

It is about time; especially the Congress to adequately addresses the issue of gun, gun control, types of gun that citizens can carry and the ability to obtain weapons of mass destruction!


My heart is heavy and we cannot continue to witness this breakdown of law and order as a result of very few bad cops making bad decision! Our officers that are being killed due to this heinous mentality and retaliation by lone wolfs are not responsible for the actions of these bad cops, so why kill them?


Let justice prevail, because any attack on the police is sincerely an attack on all of us!


May God grant eternal rest to the souls of the faithful departed, and to their families and all of us the fortitude to bear these irreparable losses!


God Bless America!


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