Tuesday, October 11, 2016

St. John XXIII: Feast Day

St. John XXIII: Feast Day

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and your dreams.

Think not about your frustrations but about your unfulfilled potential.

Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed

 in but what is still possible for each to do.”

~ St. John XXIII




The almighty God can use anyone to fulfill his divine will irrespective of the age, sex or status of such a person. When Pope John XXIII was chosen as the head of the Catholic pontificate, many expected this 76 years old to be a passive and transition Papacy.

However, God work in a mysterious ways indeed, for behold through him, the Second Vatican Council prevailed.


Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, as he was known at birth was born in Italy on November 25, 1881 and became surprisingly the Pope in the year 1958. Perhaps his most influential decision was the call for an ecumenical council, which would be known as Vatican II. The essence of the council was to “breathe new air” or “update” the church’s practices.

Similar to the path that Pope Francis is taking at the moment, St. John XXIII fundamentally believe that the church must offer the medicine of mercy rather than of severity.

Today the world celebrates his feast day, which coincided with the day that the Vatican II began.


Let us ask the gentle St. John XXIII to pray for us before the throne of grace, so that our hearts may exercise mercy, love and compassion toward our fellow mankind and above all, we may love and serve our God with all our hearts and love him without reservation.
St. John XXIII, pray for us today and always. Amen.

@peternhelenodeh podeh2016


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