Friday, October 7, 2016

O Haiti : Devastion from Hurricane Matthew

O Haiti: Devastation From Hurricane Matthew


At a time like this, we must more than ever be our brothers’ keeper and help the people on the path of this devastation that is being caused by the Hurricane Matthew.

The Haitians have continued to suffer untold hardship from the forces of nature on one side and the laziness and corruption of leaders to help relieve the people.


The hurricane, which hit Haiti on Tuesday, brought 145mph winds and torrential rains that destroyed more than 3,200 homes, displaced 15,000 people, ruined plantations and drowned animals according to the Guardian. Furthermore, the Haiti death toll 'tops 470' after Hurricane Matthew, officials say.


May God comfort the people of Haiti and grant them the fortitude to bear the losses of lives and properties, and rise up benefactors and helper to help support my people in distress.

The link below will help one appreciate the magnitude of the devastation:

 I hope we can share our love by helping the less privileged today. Amen. 

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