Monday, October 10, 2016

Let Us Pray For America Election 2016

Let Us Pray For America Election 2016

At a time like this, I enjoin the human race to please unite with @Focusinlove and other well wishers to pray in a special way for the United States of America, as we hopefully look forward to the November Presidential Election 2016.
In the most recent times the bigotry, prejudice and intolerance exhibited by the presidential candidates and their cohorts is better imagined than described, as some completely negate patriotism, nationalism and humanity, while at the same time glorifying dogmatism, severe discrimination and denigration of one another.
In spite of the negativity that have saturated this presidential election year 2016, I am still hopeful in the timely intervention of God, therefore, let us go on our kneels and pray that the almighty God will come down and rescue mankind once again.

Let us pray
Dear heavenly Father,
It was through your providence that today we are given the choice of the presidential candidates between Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump.
We beg you to grant every American the wisdom to vote wisely and based on their faith and conscience and above all the love that they have for you.
Nothing is impossible for you, O Lord, my God and therefore, confidently I approach your throne of grace and beg that you will lead us to the right choice, where love, hope and faith will reside and freedom, mercy and justice shall flow like a river.
Bless President Barack Obama and his team!
Bless Senator Hillary Clinton and her supporters!
Bless Mr. Donald Trump and his supporters!
Bless all the candidates and their supporters!

And please help all Americans to appreciate and understand that there is no need for White America or Black America, Red America or Blue America, Rich America or Poor America, but rather what is most urgently needed is one United States of America, where all Americans fear you, my God and we learn to love one another.

Touch the hearts of all voters and those being voted for to understand the necessity of humanity, the fear of God, which is the beginning of wisdom and also the need to exercise moral authority based on your love and nothing else.

O Lord, my God, I thank you heavenly Father for always hearing my prayer whenever I call upon your holy name, and I ask all these in the name of Jesus Christ your Son, who lives and reign with you and the Holy Spirit one God forever and ever. Amen!
God bless America.


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