Saturday, August 13, 2016

The Christian Challenge

The challenges facing contemporary Christians are no different from those that faced the Apostles and Christians before us, especially in context of the suffering Messianic messages of our faith.

The hallmark of Christianity is the ability for us to allow the grace of God to work through us by first and foremost believing in the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of the living God and through such faith, come to love God above all things and crucially love our neighbors as ourselves for the love of God.

Jesus Christ did not promised us a world free of sorrows, pains and hurts, envy, hatred and killings, betrayal, war and other forms of inhumanity. On the contrary he promised that the Holy Spirit, the Comforter shall never forsake nor abandon us in the midst of trials and tribulations, and if we hold on, we shall inherit everlasting life.

As a result, any individual that profess Christianity must be ready to accept persecution, rejections and even martyrdom for the sake of Jesus Christ.  This acceptance to carry our cross is actually what differentiate the Christian faith and religion from the others and make mankind better in dealings with God and man.

The practical challenges that we encountered as Christians are uncountable, mindboggling and beyond human scope, and it is this obvious realization that informed Jesus Christ to emphatically states that we should come to him all of us that are heavily burden and find rest in him!

How can we claim to be Christians and hate our neighbors?
Jesus Christ even forgave his enemies and prayed that his heavenly Father should not punish them due to their ignorance. In our world today, there are millions of instances where we fail to love and instead propagate hatred with the resulting consequences of the orchestration of the cycles of violence, mistrust and killings, discriminations in the form of race, riches and socio-economic statues among others.
Our inability to love as Jesus Christ has directed is fundamentally the basis of the nefarious acts being perpetrated globally and Christians are being challenged to once more be the light of the world!

Whenever we pretend that the evil done to another does not bother us, we are actually participating in the same wicked act and consequently cannot claim to be a Christian under such circumstances.
Whenever we pretend that racism does not bother us, since we are not at the receiving end, we cannot claim to be a Christian under such circumstances either.

We can preach even to the fish, perform miracles and heal the sick, provide comfort and sustainability to others and even be the instrument to bring someone out of poverty, but if these acts are performed not from love, but as a result of our duty-conscious mind, God will not reward us at all!

Love is self-giving, the offering of our convenience in order to manifest the true image and likeness of Jesus Christ in our lives, so that we can become the instrument of his love, hope and faith in our world.

If you love Jesus Christ, you must treat the poor lovingly and help support them in any way possible for the sake of God and not your emotions.
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot hate immigrants and refugees!
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot hate Muslims and other non-Christians!
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot be a racist!
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot be a hater!
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot be a killer, betrayal and a destroyer!
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot be a warmonger!
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot be a devil advocate!
If you love Jesus Christ, you cannot withhold help from the less privileged!

Going to Church every Sunday does not make an individual a Christian!
Having the knowledge of the Bible does not make an individual a Christian!
Bearing a Christian name does not make one a Christian!
And living in a Christian family does not make one a Christian!

Today, the challenges we faced are rooted in whether we are willing to love as Jesus Christ demanded of us or we want to love as the world advocated.

The love that the world is advocating are synonymous to that which after it has been given leave the giver in a state of emptiness, providing only a temporal excitement, because it is not rooted in the Lord Jesus Christ!

When you are able to love the loveless, help the helpless, and help bring meaning to meaningless situations such as war, famine and refugees, racism, dichotomy and so much hatred in the world by living as Jesus Christ did; self-sacrificing, being of generous heart and an empathizer and above all loving every human beings as a child of God irrespective of their religion, socio-economic status, their sins or shortcomings and other forms of socio-pathological behavior, then by the grace of God, you are an emblem of Christianity.

What make us a Christian is our belief in the fact that Jesus Christ is the Messiah and living the lifestyles that he mandated us to live in this world, so that through our actions, others may come to the realization that He and his heavenly Father are one, he is the Son of the living God and the savior of the world.

Dear heavenly Father,

In the name of Jesus Christ, your only Begotten- Son and the savior of the world, help me to love you above everything on earth and to love my neighbors as myself.
On my own I cannot do this and therefore I ask for the gifts of the Holy Spirit, so that I will be made strong in your grace and bring glory to your holy name today.
Help me to see you in all mankind irrespective of their religion, race and status and may I become an instrument of your peace today.


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