Saturday, August 20, 2016

It’s up To You and Me: Let Kindness, Justice and Love Abides

The Glory of the Lord will dwell in our Land (R)
Kindness and truth shall meet;
Justice and peace shall kiss.
Truth shall spring out of the earth,
And justice shall look down from heaven
The Glory of the Lord will dwell in our Land (R)
~ Psalm 85

Emmanuel! Emmanuel! The word became human being and, full of grace and truth, lived among us. We saw his glory, the glory which he received as the Father’s only Son.
The glory of the Lord already dwell in our land through the coming of the Messiah, our Lord Jesus Christ the only begotten Son of the almighty God and therefore the fulfillment of these verses from the Psalmist in Chapter 85.

If you believe yourself to be a child of the living God, then the task of manifesting the glory of God falls on you, because we are the chosen one and it is us that must be the light of the world and show mankind the beauty, love and compassion of the Almighty.
When our Lord Jesus Christ spoke to the crowds and his people saying, “The scribes and the Pharisees have taken their seat on the chair of Moses. Therefore, do and observe all things whatsoever they tell you, but do not follow their example. For they preach but they do not practice”, it must be obvious that there is a direct difference between proclaiming that I am a child of God and living as a child of God! In other for us to become the glory of the Lord in the world that is saturated with the darkness of transgressions against our God and wrongdoings against humanity, it is critical for us to put into practice the tenant of our faith before mankind irrespective of our personal relationship with the people or locality we find ourselves. Without doubt the bane of our society rest upon our failure to practice what we preach.


Today God is calling us to his light of love and how many of us are willing to lift up the cross of salvation and become an instrument of the glory that the Lord has given to the entire world to see?
Are we ready to become the instrument of kindness and truth today?
Are we prepared to become the instrument of justice and peace today?
Are we ready to become God’s instrument of love, hope and faith today?
If we truly desire to be the emblem of the child of the living God, our faith challenges us today to go out and make a difference, and we ought not to be afraid because it is the Holy Spirit of our God that will lead and guild our actions.


In your neighborhood, how many people do you encounter each day that are in need of your kindness?  The act of smiling to a stranger can have a powerful effect in the person’s life and at times may be the turning point toward holding on or giving up in life. Therefore your kindness must embody the act of sacrifice in which you help bring comfort to those who are being challenged by the harshness of life.
When I was hungry, you gave me food!
When I was sick, you visited me!
When I was naked you clothed me!
When I was upset, you calm me down!
When I was insulted unjustly, you stand by me!
When I was jobless, you supported me!
When I was in despair, you gave me hope!
When I was hated, you love me!
When I was alien and stranger, you received me!
Our kindness is not restricted to our loved ones; otherwise it does not come from God! We must show true kindness by helping to make life meaningful even to those that do not share the same faith or religion, belong to our socio-economic class, have the same lifestyles or orientation, and may not be of the same ethnicity or locality!
Without doubt, in order for our kindness to emanate from our God, it must be a clear manifestation of Jesus Christ love for us; sacrificial or agape in nature, meaning we do not anticipate a return for “investment” because we are doing it for God and not to be seen or commended by man.


Without justice, peace can never exist in our community!
If we claim to be children of God and yet turn our eyes away in the midst of injustices, refusing to stand up and defend those being unjustly treated, how can we have the continuous audacity to pray before God?
Imagine a poor, helpless and alien person being treated unjustly because of the society stereotypes and status quo regarding this person or group of persons? As a child of God what will you do? Our faith asked us to stand up for justice and voice our opposition to inhumanity.
Just because it is legal, does not always make it right! That is why we are called the light of the world.

For instance slavery used to be legal and may still be legal in some parts of the world, but is it just, absolutely not! Lynching and killings of the poor by their masters used to be legal and go unchallenged by law, but does it make it right before God? Absolutely not!
Denying access to quality healthcare, education and other opportunities that can help transform the lives of the poor, downtrodden and hopeless people may be legal or have a systemic approval of the so called strong and powerful or rulers of a given nation, but is it just? Not at all!

Sometimes we engage in wars in the name of justice, but are we honest about our intentions; is it just to engage in these wars that results in the death of millions, disintegration of families and therefore nations and people with the resultant crisis of refugees and compulsory migration for survival?
In order for justice to prevail, we must be willing to let go of certain stereotypes that diminishes and denigrates humanity and begin to see all as children of God. Justice makes life peaceful because we are exercising what is right before God by making sure that the innocent is set free and the guilty one condemned.


In our contemporary society, whenever the topic of love is brought up, regrettably the first image that is painted in our consciousness is that of “Eros” or that which is passionate and intense and aroused romantic feelings!
However the kind of love that God is requiring of us is that which simply enables us to deny self, or rejects greed and egocentric behaviors.
God is love and love is God, and as a matter of fact, as the scripture continue, hope, faith and love abound, but the greatest is love!

Love enables us to give without asking in return!
Love enables us to support those that hate us!
Love enables us to see God in others that may be different from us!
Love enables us to defend those that are hated in our society!
Love enables us to reconcile people to God!

It is nothing short of love, when we go out of our way to bring joy, peace and happiness to others and without expecting anything in return.
It is only love that can help us to treat others without prejudice and discrimination on the basis of their faith, race and or other forms of lifestyle orientation.
We cannot claim to be children of God, when we allow ourselves to become instrument of hatred directed against humanity either due to ignorant or as a result of being taught by previous generation.

It is never godly to hate an individual simply because of the color of his or her skin!
It is never godly to hate an individual because of difference in religious practice!
It is never godly to hate an individual because of his or her shortcomings!
It is never godly to hate an individual because of where he or she comes from!
It is never godly to hate an individual because of his or her sin! You hate the sin not the person!

Unfortunately our contemporary society relentlessly tries to justify why we should hate, but Jesus Christ through the Holy Spirit is challenging us today to love as he did; sacrificing his life for the salvation of humanity- all mankind, and not just for Christians alone!
When Jesus Christ spoke about the scribes and Pharisees in the Gospel according to Matthew, he allows us to understand the necessity to follow their preaching- that which speaks about the living God, however we must never follow their ways of life, because they are not practicing what they preach! Today, the same Jesus Christ is speaking to you and me too, and we must obey the teachings of God, but never follow any kind of lifestyle that is contrary to such divine teaching.

Do not wait for the government and other kind of institution to act before you accept your role as a child of God and become the light of the world! Nobody can teach me a Christ that is different from that written in the scripture and followed by the traditions handed over by the Apostles and other Saints of Jesus Christ, some of which were martyred for their faith.
Do not look up to the spiritual or political leaders in order to follow the teachings of God!
The glory of the Lord will dwell in our land and indeed it already dwelled through Jesus Christ our Lord and if you believe in Jesus Christ as the messiah and the Son of the living God, then you must go out today and become the glory of God, his instrument of kindness, justice and peace and love before all the people you will encounter.


Dear heavenly Father,

I thank you for your words which are active and living in our hearts.
Help us to go out today and bring glory to your name.
Teach us to love you and love our neighbors as ourselves, and turn us into your instrument to bring comfort, peace and your joy to a world that is experiencing so much darkness and pains from wars, discrimination and hate.
Send your Holy Spirit to come and dwell within our heart, so that we can become the light of the world.
In Jesus Christ mighty name, we pray. Amen

Ref: Psalm 85, Matthew 23, 1 Corinthians 13, 1 John 4, John 1

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