Monday, August 22, 2016

The Beautiful Composition of the Kingdom of God

And People will come from the east and the west

and from the north and the south and

will recline at table in the Kingdom of God.

~ Luke 13: 22-30

What a relief it is to know that the Kingdom of God is not limited to any particular race, ethnicity or people, but rather it is by nature Catholic or Universal and composed of people from the north and south, and from the east and west!

In an era where humanity constantly display the melancholic trend of not wanting to have anything to do with God all in the name of freedom to do anything that pleases us and without recourse to spiritual and moral compasses, it should be encouraging to those who desire goodness, justice and peace everlasting that irrespective of where you come from and who you are Jesus welcome all into the Kingdom of God!

The emblems of the Kingdom of God are eternal life, peace and joy in the presence of the creator of heaven and earth! We shall lack nothing good and our being will be transformed into the glorious bodies that will never suffer corruption and in the presence of the Lord our God it shall be all praise and glory, singing alleluia without end.

The Kingdom of God is not the exclusive right of Christians alone, neither is it for the Caucasians nor the rich and powerful. On the contrary, it is open to all mankind, rich and poor, white and black, Islam, Buddhist, Pagans, and Hinduism, people with various lifestyle orientations, among others. The simple criteria required of those who seek to enter this beautiful Kingdom of God are believing in the name of Jesus Christ, and accepting the fact that he is the Messiah and the Son of the living God and finally living according to his tenet as exemplified in the scriptures and emulated by uncountable saints, past and present in this world.

The Kingdom of Earth

Throughout history, man has continued his quest for true freedom, peace and joy, however and most regrettably these missions have largely remained elusive principally because, we have rejected God by acting unjustly toward our neighbors, our greed and self-centeredness have blinded us to the virtues of generosity, and the hatred we have for those who does not support our ways of lifestyle, may not come from our ethnicity or shall the commonality of faith is so intense that we are ready to kill, destroy or denigrate humanity in order to make a point.

The consequences of these godless trends are evident in the spiritual and moral decadence that are prevalent in our society today. Examples of the penalty of relegating God to the background are beyond imagination, however it suffice to mention but a few:

The misrepresentation and mischaracterization of love is on the top of the list! As a result of our obvious egocentrism, most often the kind of love will manifest are the self-centered or greedy type that whenever expressed must be accompanied with a return investment status quo. What this kind of mentality does is to perpetuate the doctrine of an eye for an eye or you only help those you expect something from in return.

Have you ever experience a situation whereby you encounter someone more powerful, rich and in position of high earthly authority utter words like, “I am powerful and can do and undo?” if so you will understand how mortal man has turned himself into a mini-god!

To be fearless in itself is not a bad thing, since without being fearless, you may not take the necessary stride to survive or overcome bullying and other forms of intimidations. To be fearless before God is completely absorbed, considering the fact that our lives are in God’s hands and not vice versa. We are witnesses to many so called great world leaders that claimed to be mini-god and dealt heartlessly, cruelly and ruthlessly against those they think were opposed to them. Fortunately these folks are no longer with us, but the almighty God remained and abide forever!

Ours is also a society that have accepted and put into practice the doctrine of individuality and the concept of relativism without recourse to God or any kind of divine or moral compasses. We are free to do anything we like or want and careless about whether there are repercussions, as long as we are personally satisfied or experience pleasure or other forms of gratifications.

The only downside is that such gratifications are as ephemeral as life itself.

In our quest for this one-dimensional freedom based on our physicality alone, we are in reality less free and have become captive and slaves to our machinations! We design weapons for protections, but the same is now used to make us less protected, we design medications to heal and prolong our longevity from a scientific perspective, regrettably we now used the same medications to kill and hurt others, we design scientific mode of transportations such as airplane, cars and trains and ship, unfortunately either by omission or commission humanity have lost and continue to loose their lives through these means of transportations. The bottom line is simply we are unable to achieve the kind of kingdom that is capable of delivering our quest for infinite love and longevity, health and well-being, true happiness and joy, satiability and glory.

The results of this synthetic freedom that completely disregards the tenet of the freedom that God has fashioned for humanity are, wars after wars, refugee crisis, forced- migrations with the detrimental consequences of severe discrimination and helplessness of the victims, destructions of lives and properties. All these inimical development culminate in many becoming resigned and seeing life on earth as useless, hopeless and worthless.

Without an iota of doubt, it is this kind of state of This state of utmost despair has led to the emergence of another ugliness, that of terrorism and terrorists that feel that life has no meaning and the use of weapons is the solution to every human problems.

This is the pathetic representation of the Kingdom of earth in our era, where the rich becomes richer and the poor become poorer and unfortunately nobody experience true peace anymore, as every facet of humanity are plague with hurt, betrayal and lack of peace.

Summarily, the egocentric and godless choices we make have tremendous negative impact in our society and the people we encountered, as evident in the prevalence injustices, discrimination and hatred, killing, lynching and incapacitations of mankind as a result of our inhumanity.

The Kingdom of God

In order to appreciate the Kingdom of God, we must emphasis what it is not! When Saint Paul was writing to the Galatians he stated the work of the flesh, which personifies the Kingdom of earth:

Now the works of the flesh are evident: sexual immorality, impurity, sensuality, idolatry, sorcery, enmity, strife, jealousy, fits of anger, rivalries, dissensions, divisions, envy, drunkenness, orgies and things like these. (Galatians 5: 19-21)

The Kingdom of God is completely the perfect opposite of the fallibility of the kingdom of earth and its emblems are life, righteousness, power, justice, peace, love and glory through eternity. As a result of man’s limitations to describe the physical nature of the throne of grace and the eternal glory of the Kingdom of God is impossible to comprehend and therefore it suffices to use the words of the prophet Isaiah as a prelude to challenge our imagination:

Wolves and sheep will live together in peace, and leopards will lie down with young goats. Calves and lion cubs will feed together and little children will take care of them. Cows and bears will eat together and their calves and cubs will lie down in peace. Lions will eat straw as cattle’s do. Even a baby will not be harmed if it plays near a poisonous snake. (Isaiah 11:6-8)

The above scenarios are not humanly possible and therefore to fully comprehend the nature of the Kingdom of God is beyond the imagination of mankind, nevertheless the characteristics described by the prophets and especially Jesus Christ, the Son of the living God enables those who desire God to have a glimpse of the glory and greatness that awaits us, if we eventually make heaven.

The Kingdom of God is life and not death and it is for all eternity! There is absolute peace, justice and righteousness in the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God is so powerful that no evil can ever prevail against it! And those who make heaven will enjoy happiness and joy that can never be expressed by human understanding and the mankind insatiability for what is good will be quenched forever.

Whatever pleases us here on earth, whatever we truly desire and longed for and whatever dreams we want to accomplished and which we hope will make us extremely happy and satisfied, is nothing in comparison to the glory that waits us in heaven.

Composition of the Kingdom of God

The most amazing part of the Kingdom of God outside the fact that it is eternal, glorious and full of love and life is the composition attribute that Jesus Christ eloquently described today in our hearing! People from the North and South, and from the East and West are all welcome in the Kingdom of God! White and Black, rich and poor, religious and impious, people of every kind and types and nature are welcome into this Kingdom of God through the amazing and divine grace and providential care of the almighty and eternal God!

What an awesome feeling it must be to know and without an iota of doubt that, neither my race nor ethnicity, nationality, socio-economic status, lifestyle orientation, religious belief or lack of it excludes me from the Kingdom of God, as long as I am willing to accept Jesus Christ into my life as my Lord, Son of the living God and my savior.

All are welcome in my Father’s house or kingdom, as Jesus Christ will remind us throughout the scriptures and through the lives of the saints and the faithful that live a life full of emulation of our Lord and savior.

 We know through the scriptures that after the fall of our first parents Adam and Eve, because of God’s infinite love for mankind and through divine providence designed a way for humanity to return to him. This loving God, faithful and steadfast beyond understanding decided to subject his Only Begotten Son, Jesus Christ to death on the cross, so that upon him will hang our transgressions and through his death, resurrection and ascension into heaven, will now serve as our advocate with the Father and effectively reconcile us on the path to the Kingdom of God, which is everlasting joy in the presence of the angels and saints

 Therefore no matter what religion you may belong to, whether it is Judaism, Islam, Hinduism, Taoism, Buddhism, Paganism, African traditional worshipers and others not listed here, you are in line to enter the Kingdom of God too, because Jesus Christ did not die for Christians alone, but for the entire humanity!

What is needed is for us to confess that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God, the Messiah and savior of the world and live according to his tenet here on earth.

In the Kingdom of God, we are no longer going to see ourselves as Black or White, Africans or Americans, Asians or Europeans, rich or poor, educated or illiterate, wise of foolish by our standards, married or unmarried! Instead, we shall be like the angels every ready to serve and be in the presence of the almighty God, in his glory, praising, singing and worshiping him world without end, and as for our being, the transformation shall be complete; from corruptible to incorruptible where there is no more sickness, pain and death.

Let us challenge ourselves together to begin to prepare toward the coming of the Kingdom of God by living the godly life today!

Let us live our lives based on love, hope and faith in God!

Let us thrive for heaven by loving one another and becoming an instrument of God’s peace, reconciliation and joy to our families, friends and community and those we encounter in life!

Let the joy of the Lord, be our strength as we march on, seeing in our sufferings and challenges the call to carry our cross as Jesus Christ did, and so bring comfort to those experiencing pains and hurts, and make this life meaningful again.


Dear heavenly Father,

I thank you so much for making thy Kingdom of heaven open to the entire humanity. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray that you encourage us to put into practice what our Lord, is preaching and so become the light of the world. May your will be done in our life today and always, as we hope to be united with You and your Son our Lord Jesus Christ who in union with the Holy Spirit lives and reign one God world without end. Amen!

Ref: Luke 13, Galatians 5, Isaiah 6,

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