Wednesday, August 17, 2016


If you live in the USA and by chance are lucky to have health insurance, then this development is as ugly as it can get! The decision by another healthcare insurance giant company, AETNA to pull out of participating in the Affordable Healthcare Act or OBAMACARE is essentially hinged on their capitalist and profiteering interests and nothing more!

The Healthcare Insurance industry is kind of the National Rifle Association of healthcare management in the United States of America! Its trademark is simply egocentrism and inhumane capitalism, cold-blooded life suckers typical of the “Merchant of Venice” era of William Shakespeare that is indifferent to the plight of the people as long as they keep making profits!


The careless about the people as typified in the acrimonious fight against President Barack Obama, while using the Congress to frustrate the initial scope of OBAMACARE and when they failed to derail for instance the Pre-existing clause of the Affordable Healthcare Act, they are now hell-bent on using the back door to milk the people and deprive ordinary Americans the opportunity to visit their doctor.


The only difference between the NRA and the Healthcare Insurance companies is the route at which they arrive at their exploitation of the ordinary citizens! Whereas the NRA wants easy assess to all types of guns, so that we can keep killing ourselves, while the smile to the banks, the Healthcare Insurance companies generally wants to deprive Americans the affordability of insurance and by so doing can astronautically and unilaterally control the cost of delivery, deny Americans insurance at will or make it so unaffordable that the middleclass will have to mortgage their lives to get the minimum healthcare possible!


It is a national disgrace and a colossal dogmatism on the part of the healthcare insurance industry, and in particular AETNA and their cohorts not to exercise any iota of moral compass, but instead focused extremely on their financial goals and nothing else.

As long as the profit merging does not meet their market projections, to hell with all Americans!


The United States of America is a country blessed with natural and human resources and as a matter of fact the number one superpower nation on earth and yet it cannot boast of providing affordable healthcare for her citizenry? This is a shame beyond imagination and perpetuated by the inimical status quo of unilaterism of capitalism as the singular foundation for doing business in the country.


Is the life of an American not more important than the excessive profits that these companies in the healthcare industries continue to amass?  

Is it not possible for businesses to offer their services by mingling compassion with profit making mentality?


In fact, words failed me to see that in a country like the United States of America that almost everyone crave to visit to say the least is among the poorest countries in the developed world in terms of the ration of healthcare insured citizens to the general population.


Nobody and neither am I advocating that the healthcare industry should become a charitable network; nevertheless, the level of inhumanity, acrimony and denigration of the virtues of humanity, love and compassion is just too much to ignore.


I thank Mr. President Barack Obama for trying to bring sanity, commonsense and humanity to the healthcare insurance industries.
Posterity shall vindicate Mr. Barack Obama for his humanistic and pragmatic articulations whenever it relates to Americans, especially the middleclass and the less privilege, considering the fact that the wealthy live at will and many are indifferent to the plight of the poor as long as it does not affect their wealth or comfort.


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