Thursday, August 4, 2016

Faith Can Move Mountain

“You are a woman of great faith!
What you want will be done for you.”
And at that very moment her daughter was healed.
~ Matthew 15: 28

A Canaanite woman, a Gentile or outsider to the Jewish faith (in our contemporary society might be seen as someone alien to our faith, culture or even country), came to Jesus Christ crying out to him, “Son of David, have mercy on me sir! My daughter has a demon and is in a terrible condition.”

First it is necessary to appreciate the tremendous odds that are against her as exemplified in the responses she got from the disciples and apparently a skeptical Jesus Christ. Nevertheless, her humility and persistence led to the Master declaring her a woman of great faith- imagine this unbeliever given such high accolade?

Not even the leader of the apostles, Peter was acknowledge in this way, and the other time in the scripture that such monumental faith was on displace was during the counter with another foreigner and unbeliever in the Centurion who replied Jesus Christ saying “I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the words and my servant will be heal.” Jesus Christ made it clear to all that the Centurion was a man of great faith!

Faith or Fear

So this Canaanite woman has the audacity to approach Jesus Christ, a Jew and first acknowledged him as Son of David and Lord, and then slides her request through? This must be faith and not fear at all! However most importantly too is the need to explore what informed her faith in Jesus Christ leading her to turn to the Lord instead of other gods?
This woman of faith was in a very desperate situation, her beloved daughter was possessed by the demon, in a terrible condition and most probably she must have spent all her fortune seeking for help and nothing seems to be working until she heard that Jesus Christ was near her cities of resident, in this case Tyre and Sidon. Without hesitation and fear of rejection, she approached the Lord Jesus Christ!

First the disciples were not even ready to help her get to the Master, because in reality her situation is just like seeing a Buddhist, Pagan or Muslim approach for instance Pope Francis, seeking healing for his child, and confessing Jesus Christ as Son of God!
In our contemporary society where anything Muslim is smear, denigrated and condemned, this woman of faith is giving us an example of the necessity not to condemn others and rather to be open to the opportunity of becoming the instrument to bring others to Jesus Christ.

On the surface, we might be tempted to misinterpret Jesus Christ response of who deserve to be heal, to meaning unbelievers are not welcome at the table. However the scripture did emphasis that in spite of the reference, the Canaanite woman persisted in her request with a humble heart and complete disregards to the odds she faced. She got even more than she asked for, namely salvation in addition to the healing of her daughter.

What is the status of your faith?

Do you have complete trust in Jesus Christ’s ability to solve the problem you are going through today?
Do you have the complete trust in Jesus Christ so much that you are willing to face humiliation, rejection and denigration in order to receive salvation and also become an instrument of peace, faith and hope, love, kindness and humility for someone desperately in need of these virtues today?
Do you have faith in Jesus Christ that will make the world to see life from a different perspective, from the prism of God’s divine plans for humanity?

Moving Mountains

There are many mountains in our lives that on our own we can never get to the top of it, and even if by chance we claim credit to getting over it, the real lesson of faith, hope and love, and ultimately the gift of eternal life will be lost in the process and there is nothing that is most regrettable as gaining the whole world and losing your soul.
The only way our faith can move the mountains of our lives is by trusting in our Lord Jesus Christ so completely that the events that challenge us are no longer seen as an obstacle, but the instruments that our God has design to increase our faith in him and above all bring glory to his holy name.

The immediate Mountain the Canaanite woman faced was her daughter’s sickness, and rather than allowing it to destroy her, as a result of her encounter with Jesus Christ in her distress, not only was her daughter healed at that very moment, but she gain the faith that will lead her to life everlasting.

Our Mountains may be due to lack of faith in God and love for man as a result of certain experience in life that we may consider to be humiliating, unjust and hate-driven, leading us to conclude if God was in it, why must I have to suffer so much?

The Mountain we face may be chronic or even terminal illnesses, restless and tough relationship, broken marriages, betrayal from loved, colleague and friends. It may be inability to pass a professional examination, graduate from school with good grade and unemployment after graduation. The mountain may be having being unjustly terminated from your job and you are in a dilemma as to how you will survive.

There is also the mountain of rejecting people that are not of our kind; For instance I am a Catholic and a Christian, married with children and of African origin specifically Nigeria living in the United States of America. How do I deal with people of different race, culture and lifestyle? Do I reject those who are not Christians? Do I reject those whose lifestyle is different from mine? Or do I use my faith in God to draw them closer to Jesus Christ?

Today, God want to use us to move our own Mountains, but first and foremost, we must acknowledge him as the almighty God in whom nothing is impossible, love him with the whole of our heart, might and strength and soul and love our neighbors as ourselves irrespective of their religion, culture and lifestyle orientation and location.

The Mountains of our life are problems that our God uses as the recipe for our progress, if we allow him to work in us. Jesus Christ did not promise us that everything shall be smooth, peace and jolly and cheerful in this world. However he guaranteed that as long as we put our faith, hope and trust in him, we shall overcome whatever our needs may be!

Let us walk on the surface of our world like this Canaanite woman, considered as an outsider by many, but acknowledged by Jesus Christ as a woman of great faith, as a result of her love for God, faith in Jesus Christ and a very humble and persistence disposition in prayer. May the good Lord bless his words in our heart today! Amen!


Dear Heavenly Father,

Here am I again, asking for a faith that can move mountain
Please forgive me my faults, especially when I allow hatred to blind me from loving people that do not look like me, act like me and live like me.
Fill my heart with your compassion and love, hope and faith, so that I may see you in every circumstance that challenges me today.
O Lord, my God give me the gifts of humility, patience and persistence in prayer and actions, so that I too may bring glory to your holy name.
Bless all my loved ones and let your love, peace and comfort never depart from them.
And all these I present to you from the humility of my heart. Amen!

Ref: Matthew 15, Matthew 8

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