Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving from the Odeh's Family

What are you thankful you?
Above all and at any cost, the gifts of life, hope and faith are worthy to be thankful for at all times!

Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of life!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of faith!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of hope!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of humanity!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of love!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of miracles!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of family!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of friends!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of benefactors!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gifts of priests and religious!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of kindness and generosity!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of unity in diversity!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of America!
Happy Thanksgiving for the gift of Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior!

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