Thursday, November 3, 2016

Chicago Cubs End 108-Year Wait for the 2016 World Series Title: A Tribute to Patience, Perseverance and Hope and Faith

"To the believer no explanation is needed and 
to the unbeliever no explanation is enough"
~ S. Chase

The Chicago Cubs did just that, shattering their 108-year championship drought in epic fashion: with an 8-7, 10-inning victory over the Cleveland Indians in Game 7, which began on Wednesday night, carried into Thursday morning and seemed to end all too soon.
Special thanks to the Chicago Cubs Fans that remained steadfast at all time and behold today they are rewarded in the most unique fashion.

The lessons learned are obvious; the need for patience and perseverance, faith and hope and hard work and trust in God and the goodness in mankind.

Special congratulations to the seating President of the United States of America, a Chicagoan by resident, Mr. President and Commander-In-Chief Barack Obama who I believe can add to his illustrious legacies the fact that it was during his White House occupancy that the Cubs did it!

There is nothing as sweet as being patient enough to see this glorious day dawn in the City of Chicago! The perseverance, resilience and audacity to hope clearly epitomizes what might have made it possible for President Barack Obama to be so hopeful of the future that awaits America if only we are ready to be the Chicago Cubs in our mentality and trust for one another and absolutely in God almighty.

God bless America and the Chicago Cubs for teaching us the essence of waiting with hope and not giving up on our dreams. Amen.

Picture Credit: The New York Times

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