Monday, November 28, 2016

Advent- The Season of Hope!

Advent- The Season of Hope!

Come, O come, Emmanuel!
                                                           Stay awake! . . . Be prepared.

Today is the first Monday in the first week of the Advent season and again the scriptural passages are enlightening our hearts and warming us all toward the great expectation- the manifestation of God’s infinite love, mercy and kindness toward mankind in the baby Jesus Christ, who is indeed the Son of God, the Emmanuel- God with us and the Savior of the world and last but not the least, the King of kings and Lord of Lord and God of gods.

Advent is the season of hope and hope is what helps us step out and believe in what we cannot see and also it is God’s grace to accept that in life there is a certain amount of mystery to our faith and to still be confident that God can work in our lives in such a way that his plans for us remained adamantly steadfast irrespective of our shortcomings, provided we recognize these weaknesses and offer them to the almighty!

Our hope is not in any way a blind hope because we are all witnesses to the great interventions in our lives on a daily basis by the almighty God, who comfort us in our distress, heal the sick and feed the hungry, and use us as instrument to bring peace to the world.
I rejoiced because they said to me, “We go up to the house of the LORD.”
The Psalmist appropriately understood the significance of being in the house of the LORD, in that, the real abode of haven is to be found in no other place but in the house of the LORD. 

This great desire should spurn us to live in accordance with the will of God for us!
In the house of the LORD, there is life!
In the house of the LORD, there is love!
In the house of the LORD, there is peace!
In the house of the LORD, there is healing!
In the house of the LORD, there is humility!
In the house of the LORD, there is perseverance!
In the house of the LORD, there is hope!
In the house of the LORD, there is faith!
In the house of the LORD, there is joy!
In the house of the LORD, there is forgiveness!
In the house of the LORD, there is generosity!
In the house of the LORD, there is grace!
In the house of the Lord, there is the Holy Spirit!

Let us ask Jesus Christ, our Emmanuel to come into our lives today!
Let us go out and seek his face among our brothers and sisters!
Let us go and share the joy of this season of Advent with those we shall encounter today.
And above all, like the Centurion in the Gospel of Mathew, in humility, let us acclaimed, “Lord, I am not worthy to have you enter under my roof; only say the word and my servant (in our case our souls) will be healed.”

May the good Lord, bless his words in our hearts. Amen!


Reference: Psalm 122, Mathew 8:5-11

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