Sunday, August 3, 2008

Sen. Obama’s Pragmatism on Trade Agreement!

I am completely astound by Sen. McCain insistence that America as a country ought to stick to the status quo in terms of Trade Agreements with other countries even at the expense of a thoroughly and comprehensibly articulated position that will protect the American people, and the other countries citizens, while at the same time rejuvenating and affirmatively transforming the socio-economic status of the countries involved.

It is totally wrong and by no means myopic for this veteran Senator McCain to once more lie to the America by attempting to enforced on its citizenry his personal convictions about “free trade” without even retrospectively reviewing and concretely analyzing the detrimental and inimical scenarios that are bound to rear its ugly heads once a trade is negotiated purely on the political basis without taking a holistic approach that must preserve the individual countries integrity and humanity in general.

Retrospectively Sen. McCain has supported practically all free trade agreement since being in the senate. In order words it may be wise to say he is color blind as long as free trade is concerned. The next president of this great country cannot afford to be color blind when the issue of free trade is on the table for various reasons.

While free trade is a good opportunity for regional and continental integration and harmony, and trades that does not preserve, protect and articulate the necessity of a holistic uplifting of those that are involved in such a trade should never be encouraged since the socio-economic and political implications are better imagine than describe.

Why is Sen. McCain not pursuing a free trade agreement with countries such as Iran and Syria, since he has severally contested that such a trade bring countries together for the common good? Without an iota of doubt, his position on free trade is dogmatic, archaic, sentimental, personal and detrimental to the reality of our times. I am not surprise by that, nevertheless it is important to point out that his lack of economic knowledge will lead this country into the worst abysses of socio-economic scenario ever if he is given the opportunity to maintain the status quos. In Mexico and Columbia he continued to taut his preference for free trades without even considering the implications of them.

On the other hand, Sen. Obama has clearly, pragmatically and competently maintained that free trades that do not have the capacity, ability and capability of making the countries involved experiencing growth rates economically and otherwise as direct consequences of such a trade should not be encouraged if the option of re-negotiation is off the table. This articulation is a fundamental of economics and should not be difficult for even Sen. McCain and his allies to comprehend.

I believe there are some issues of national interest that should never and ever be politicize just for personal gains or the substantiation of the favoritism of special interests and lobbyists over Americans. Issues such as the wellbeing of Americans, the protection of the nation’s integrity and security of its people, healthcare, education energy and climatic change just to mention but few should never be reflected upon from the political kaleidoscope, as such an action will be harmful and subjective to the ideal of the nation and the quest to make it better than it is right now.

In light of the above, I sincerely side with Sen. Obama’s modernized version of reflecting, articulating and maintaining free trade with American partners within the region and world wide. He has insisted that any such free trade must include the humane clause of economic progression for the countries involved by allowing each party to realistically review what is working and otherwise, while at the same time willing to protect its citizens, labor forces and the country’s economic stature in order not to endanger the future for the generation to come.

Summarily, free trades that is strictly politically engineered rather than taking into account the country’s socio-economic necessity and also without a thorough comprehension of the indispensability of adhering to the labor laws that protect workers and job should never be encouraged to thrive, unless the parties involved are willing to review the agreement in such a way that there is to an extent an even representation of cost, consequences and profit from such a venture.

While Sen. McCain lacks the technicalities involved in such trades other than to wantonly support them, Sen. Obama on the other hand is maintaining an outstandingly pragmatic, cautious, humane, transparent and competent posture on the issue of free trade by ensuring that if such a scenario is not helping to sustain the country’s economy, then the country has the right to review and decide on what steps are necessary to transform, rejuvenate and reconstruct its goal of making the country as economically sound as possible.

I am always fascinated by the depth of the socio-economic and political knowledge base of this young, vibrant and energetic senator from Illinois. This country is indeed truly blessed and the world will be better with his candidacy than any other. Hopefully Americans will rescue the entire world by electing Sen. Obama as the next president of the United States of America.

God bless USA

God bless Obama

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