Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Retrospectively, the Obama Birthday Celebration

Given the socio-economic abysmal and deteriorating scenario in the country and most unfortunately the emerging campaign of denigration, inimical and detrimental inclinations against Sen. Obama, it is with absolutely gratification that he has chosen to continue to be objective, tolerant, broadminded and remain focus on the issues that bothers the American people rather than get involved in the perpetuation of the kind of dogmatic and archaic rhetoric’s and advertisement that his rival has been churning out even to the disgust of many Americans.

Rather than engage in what many of us have come to identify as celebrity birthday bash, in outmost humility and commitment to the ideals of his campaign for hope and change in the country, Sen. Obama saturated his birthday celebration with a resounding, affirmative and essentially a turning point economic manifesto before Americans highlighting a thorough refining and pragmatism about how best to rescue the ailing economic maladies confronting the nation.

While exercising complete command about his knowledge and sounds understanding of the reality of our time, he also recognizes the necessity of as usual being a good listener in the same fashion that he has manifested even in his recently concluded Europe and Middle East trip to the delight of all and sundry.

It is amazing that rather than Americans giving him a birthday celebration, Sen. Obama again went out of his ways to give us an unforgettable celebration of his 47th birthday by uplifting and inspiring every Americans not to give up on hope and also to believe in the fact that together with him this country can be resurrected from the prevailing economic downturn.

Retrospectively therefore, I am more than pleased and completely exhilarated with his continual display of maturity, objectivity, self sacrifice, empathy, understanding and above all his willingness to listen to others and incorporate their opinion in a fashion that will bring about progress rather than constitute retrogression in the quest to make the country a better place.

The best birthday celebration and gift in my opinion we can give to this dynamic, energetic, humane, well informed and articulate senator is to help his people’s movement for hope and change in the country, and the campaign for the White House to become a reality, so that beginning from bottom to the top, Americans can once more regain the confidence in their leaders and government’s ability to look out for their interest rather than those of the special interests and multi-national big time corporations.

Happy birthday Senator and my family and I wish you many happy returns, as we all slowly but gradually anticipate the historic change that awaits the nation and by extrapolation the entire humanity.

God bless USA
God bless Obama

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