Sunday, August 3, 2008

America Rescuing Democracy and Humanity

The shockwaves, pride, exhilaration and prompt universal appeal and global rejoicing sequel to the nomination of Sen. Obama as the Democratic Party presidential flag bearer of this great country is evidently the conspicuous manifestation of the viability, interactive and integrative argument that we are one, irrespective of creed, race, location and ideology, as long as there is that element of humanity within.

While I have long anticipated the ripple effects that such a scenario will portend for the country and its people, it is without doubt that the magnitude and enormous fashion in which the people of the world celebrated the victory of this dynamic, energetic, humane and compassionate senator is well beyond my imagination and comprehension. I must say kudos therefore to the people of America and all mankind for their encouragement in supporting a truly laudable and historic event second to none in the current political dispensation.

In life the necessity of evolution and revolution can never be over emphasized. A nation that cherish the ideological inclination and propagation of the culture of dogmatism that does not necessarily argument such circumstances within the horizon of realism to meet the need for change, repositioning of policies and articulation that will enhance the virtues of mankind and orchestrate patriotic sentiments is sure to become stagnated and therefore loss touch with the contemporary reality of our time.

It is in light of the above that I wish to once more state what I have been saying all along during this ongoing democratic process in this great country; Americans have once more come to the rescue of the entire mankind, by relentlessly, aggressively and steadfastly rejected the political culture that have the tendency to discriminate, divide, deceive, distorts and perpetuate the campaign of denigration, diabolism and racism.

There choice of Sen. Obama in spite of his limitations as a minority candidate coupled with the burden of being black and an outsider rather than the status of being the established one clearly prove beyond reasonable doubt that Americans are ready to work with him and begin the process of changing some of the inimical dogmatism that have plague this gigantic country.

Again, I must reiterate the fact that, not all democrats will vote for Obama, nevertheless it is important to gesticulate what has been happening during the current dispensation; many republicans and independents are for the first time in years more then willing to vote for Sen. Obama, who is a democrat. Thankfully and gleefully it is therefore eminent to also emphasize this unique development and broadmindedness being exercise and orchestrated by the other Americans that may not necessarily share the same political party affiliation with us.

Consequently, I am confident that what the great people of this great country have started, (democrats, republicans and independents alike), going by the transcending choice of Sen. Obama and coupled with the worldwide jubilation and outmost lavishing on the people of America and the country praises, commendations and congratulations for their progressiveness and non-judgmental attitude toward Obama, it is my sincere conviction that America and Americans will not let the world down.

Sen. Obama based on the sacrosanct demonstration by the American people will be the best position candidate to lead this great country into another era which again I must confess will have the kind of ripple effects that will be second to none in the annals of the United States of America. He has demonstrated and ably epitomizes the virtues and core values of this country and in addition, his modernization of some of these values to make them more realistic, achievable and within the reach of all Americans has for ever compassionately rejuvenate his charisma to many people world wide and particularly at home.

Indeed, I will rest my case by once more stating the facts of the matter; America has come to the rescue of democracy and humanity by choosing the candidacy of Sen. Obama as the Democratic Party presidential nominee and hoping to translate this universal gains and commendations into one that will lead to the transformational and transitional democracy that he has articulated for the country. America will soon become the abode of haven for mankind and is on its way to witness the kind of socio-economic and political prosperity that may as well go down in history as one which was exponentially possible as a result of the unison between the president and the people of the country; one heart, one soul, one mind, one goal and one dream.

God bless USA
God bless Obama

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