Sunday, August 3, 2008

The Sen. Obama Factor! : A Nuclear Free Tehran is world asset

The world has stood and watched in consternation the defiance of the state of Iran over halting its controversial nuclear ambition until about 32 minutes in which President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad for the first time following the tough position of the USA on using unilateralism and militarism as the only veritable option to stop Iran from acquiring nuclear arsenal capable of undermining world peace have unequivocally spoken on the necessity of finding a common ground with the USA and five other countries on moving forward and hopefully diplomatically resolving the issue for good:

Without an iota of doubt this news may come as a ‘gospel’ and definitely bring about at least for the moment a sigh of relief for the whole world and especially the western hemisphere that has continued to insinuate that Iran quest might amount to detrimental consequences on humanity.

The larger picture however should not be lost to those of us that have been watching this drama unfold since the year 2000, to be more specific. In the United States of America and under the incumbent, President George Bush, it is a known fact that Iran has not only defied the country but has as a matter of fact make caricature of the administration, without the later having the moral authority to do anything more than to stand and watch as helplessly as it can be. While the entire world countries are skeptical about the intention of Tehran, it could do little under the influence of the country to enlighten Iran on the necessity to give up its nuclear ambition.

However, the emergent of the prince of peace and the ‘light’ of contemporary political pragmatism and realism have diplomatically and methodologically inculcate into the mentality of all interested parties on the essentiality of dialogue and tough talk based on mutual understanding and the need to propagate humanity and not to destroy it. Within the horizon of realism it will be accurate to unequivocally states that if not for the position of Sen. Obama, the dynamic, humane, energetic and transparently compassionate senator from Illinois, without doubt Iran will still remain as defiance as ever!

Sen. Obama was able to tell the entire world that peace can be achieve not exclusively by militarism and unilateral coercion, cajoling and bullying but by the change of mindset sequel to the creation of an enabling environment that will foster understanding, dialogue and tough diplomacy.

The affirmative action of Tehran in this regard substantiates the new world order that Obama out of foresight, compassion and humanity is bringing to the political landscape. In the eyes of Sen. Obama it is unwise to categorize mankind or states and or people into two factions; Bad and good; enemies and friends, evil and saints the way our dogmatic, archaic and sentimental politicking and foreign policies have demonstrated until f recent. In order words, the bad and ugly can become the better and best.

A leader must have the capacity to turn evil to good and not the other way round and in my opinion Sen. Obama has laid the foundation in such a cohesive and consistent fashion that if only we are willing, then of course together we can make the world a better place and actually help actualize a nuclear free Tehran and some many other countries that are pursuing this inimical military agenda.

The reality is obvious, Tehran is identifying with the stand of Sen. Obama since in my opinion this is about the best articulations that can enable mankind the opportunity to see in themselves the capacity for doing good rather than being treated as a “prodigal son” that is nothing more than a nonentity.

It will therefore and consequently amount to political nonentity if President George Bush and the McCain’s camp refuses to acknowledge this affirmative development and also give outstanding kudos to the young senator from Illinois for his vision, foresight and trust in humanity, rather than the kind of despairs and desperation these duos have over and over again demonstrated to the people.

We are witnessing history and for sure God is using Obama as an instrument of peace and also helping mankind to hopefully understand his ideologies and convictions and learn therefore to follow him for the sake of posterity and generations yet unborn. Our task therefore in my understanding is to give Obama our maximum support irrespective of party affiliations and political ideologies, since so far his articulations are the most concrete, precise, accurate and realistic manifesto that have the capacity to restore the nation’s pride, influence and the prevailing abysmal socio-economic and political status.

Today is yet another great day for the people’s movement for hope and change that we can believe in this country and in fact the entire world! Obama can inspire and at the same time soften the hardest of heart. He is a treasure for mankind and coming from the USA even makes him a bonus for those of us who love this country so much.

President George Bush, Sen. McCain and all your supporters, with all due respect listen to Sen. Obama, so that we can just move forward for goodness sake.

God bless USA
God bless Obama

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