Friday, August 11, 2017

Is God White or Black

Is God White or Black

As I looked, thrones were placed
    and one that was ancient of days took his seat;
his raiment was white as snow,
    and the hair of his head like pure wool;
his throne was fiery flames,
    its wheels were burning fire.
~Prophet Daniel 7: 9

The question is God White or Black is really neither relevant nor necessary in our profession of faith, since faith is a gift from the Almighty! Nevertheless, given the plain misrepresentation of the true image of Jesus Christ by the Western hegemony- painting our Lord as one with long hair and blue eyes, coupled with a White Skin color, it is nice to reflect on the vision of the prophet Daniel and how he described the Ancient One or Ancient of Ages or the almighty God or the Alpha and the Omega or the God who is the Father of the Son of Man- Jesus Christ.

Without any doubt, while the prophet did not in any way mention the color of the skin of the Ancient One, he however gave us a clue to his image and the rest is sincerely up to us:

1.       The hair of his head like pure wool:  The only race in this world that has a hair type that is none straight nor coils, but wooly is people of African descent. This is in complete contrast to the image of Michelangelo’s God figure.
2.       His Hair White as snow: The whiteness of the color of the hair in this instance personified wisdom without doubt.

It is therefore a fact beyond reasonable doubt that, our God features according to Prophet Daniel is afro-centric and not European.

The same applies to the true image and likeness of Jesus Christ and his human family! There is no way that they could have lived in Egypt without contrast to the Egyptians, if they did not look similar. And we must not forget that Egypt and Israel have mixed relationship and many engaged in inter-marriage.  The Prince and Governor of Egypt Joseph married an Egyptian woman. The second Prince and later liberator of the people of Israel married foreigners too.

As I earlier said, the color of our God is immaterial to our faith, however, we must not also attribute any color to the Almighty, rather, let us see Him in ourselves. It is the failure to see the beauty in diversity in us as was created by God that has led to racism.
@PeterNHelenOdeh @FocusInLove

Further reading: Daniel 7:9 -10, 13-14, Matthew 17: 1- 9 NB: The Transfiguration of the Lord Feast

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