Tuesday, September 13, 2016

September 11, 2001 from Sorrow to Glory

September 11, 2001 from Sorrow to Glory

Out of the Ashes we rise,
Because our love, hope and faith
 In God shall always prevail and
 There is none like our God!

On this 15th Anniversary of the September 11 terrorists attacks on American soil which claimed the lives of about 3,000 beautiful souls majority of them Americans of different racial, religious and professional backgrounds and whose impact was felt worldwide because of the commonality of grief, sorrow and hopelessness that was evident following this very cowardice and callous act, we must not just grief in remembrance of those that we have loss, the wounded and all of us that were both psychologically and emotionally hurt and demoralized but attempt to transform our bereavement and mourning into merriment and the audacious hope for a better humanity, a country and people united under God, and with God and for God.

The Sorrow

The pains, hurt and losses brought about by this nefarious act; colossal beyond the Oklahoma bombing has continued unabatedly to permeate our consciousness, reality and dreams for a better world. Since this attacks, the country has witnessed other series of similar attacks perpetrated based on the hateful doctrine of a misapplied quest for justice, which in reality is nothing short of the glorification of injustices.

The nation was torn apart because many families were torn apart, some children were left without knowing their father or mother, parents loss their children, friends were gone never to be seen alive again, in fact lamentation was monumental indeed. And in spite of these pains, it is sad to observe some pocket celebration from the perpetrators of this evil, clinching to their demonic ideological inclinations of vengeance

Our bereavement from the 911 catastrophes is irrelevant if we continue to kill ourselves in the first place and secondly if disunity, discord and discrimination persist in our society. Under such scenario, the sacrifices of those who died in this horrific attacks are inconsequential as a result of our decision to pay lip services to them rather than change our ways and begin to love one another without discrimination.

The perpetual bereavement that we share as a nation and a people of God must now transform into permanent merriment on the basis of the flow of love, compassion and humanity, and the unity, patriotism and faith that emerges out of the darkness of the 911 attacks, which were as a result of inhumanity, revenge and hatred by the perpetrators.

The Glory

The lives that were loss during the 911 attacks are not in vain because by faith, we believe that they now enjoy eternity with the almighty God in his heavenly glory. Theirs was the ultimate sacrifices for the nation and her people! Yes it is true they were taken from us so abruptly, nevertheless, death is a necessary end and what a joy to have their name enshrined for humanity to glorify.

The families and all of us left behind take consolation in another fact; through the sacrifice of their lives today mankind stand united against any kind of doctrine that seek to propagate such carnage and we are committed to rooting out diabolic ideological inclinations that promotes inhumanity and the culture of death.

Let us therefore go out and celebrate the lives of the faithful departed, which by divine providence prevented the total annihilation of mankind by remaining committed to our fundamental doctrine of equal right and the right to life for everybody irrespective of your racial background and immigration status. Because they died, we could live to see another day!

The first responders, and the uncountable hearts that were united in prayers and actions to help a nation lamenting and mourning such a horrific events must now be a beacon of hope for humankind’s quest for true peace. Those who went out to hope were never bothered about the color of the person in need of help, on the contrary, they were only concern about giving a helping hand to the one in need. This is a moment of glory!

When I see the images of the horrors that man can perpetrated against another human being as a result of blind dogma rooted in discrimination, inhumanity and denigration of mankind, I refuse to advocate for such evil orchestration and instead prayerfully and actively focus my attention on the sacrifices that many have made in order for the world to become a better place, especially our 911 families that have to die for us to live.

The Dream I see

Without an iota of doubt, it still hurt, the pain, the emptiness, and hollowness created by the tragedy of the September 11, 2001 attacks. It was both demoralizing and at the same time deplorable, manifesting the vulnerability of the most powerful nation on earth. Nevertheless, just like during the darkest moment in this country, the era of slavery, lynching and killing of ourselves including by those in authority, and the unfortunate mediocrity of legalized racism, we too can overcome our bereavement and begin to celebrate the sacrifices our loved ones made during the 911 attacks by loving one another through our trust in God and in the goodness of humanity.

As a result by faith: 

I see hope, faith and love in the midst of despair, doubt and hate.

I see nationalism, patriotism and humanity in the midst of treacherous, traitorous and inhumanity.

I see the necessity and perpetuation of our fundamental human right; the needs for true equality, to have a sense of belonging and above all the value for life as manifested by the people of all works of life coming to help irrespective of whether you are White or Black.

I see a country united as one, indivisible and under the protection of God.

I see a country where the color of ones skins does not mean anything, other than the color of his eyes.

The greatest miracle of the 911 attacks is the transformation of our inherent divergence, discrepancy and disagreement into a convergence and united mentality focused on universal protection of all! Responders and rescuers careless about what or whom they went out to rescue or respond to, their main focus was to respond and rescue those that needed help!

In the same way, we are being challenged today with the noble task and responsibility of protecting our neighbors, irrespective of their race, religion and lifestyle orientation, whether they are citizens or immigrants, educated or non-educated, rich or poor.

All lives matters to mankind; Black lives should and must matter to the police and law enforcement personnel, Blue (Police) lives should and must matter to all Americans whether White, Black or Latino or Native Americans and Immigrants.

Today, when I remember the September 11, 2001 attacks, my heart is no longer overwhelmed with bitterness, sorrows and bereavement, rather through divine providence, I celebrate the lives and times of those who made the ultimate sacrifices for mankind and like the saints in heaven, I ask them to pray to God for our safety and the perpetuation of love, unity and peace among humanity.

God bless America.



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