Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Love and Pray for Your Enemies: The Blacks and the Police in America

Love and Pray for Your Enemies: The Blacks and the Police in America

“You have heard that it was said,
‘YOU SHALL LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOR and hate your enemy.’
“But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 
so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven;
for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good,
and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.
“For if you love those who love you,
what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? 
“If you greet only your brothers, what more are you doing than others? 
Do not even the Gentiles do the same?
“Therefore you are to be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect.

~ Matthew 5: 43- 48

We are not born with hatred, but taught to hate!
Police it is said are supposed to be our friends and not enemies, however in the country, the White dominated Police institution has historically and continue to be very hostile to the African-American people.
It is very difficult to justify the killing of an unarmed Black American, with his hands up and in compliance of the orders being given by the police. What else are we required to do, disappear or become invisible?

We cannot wait for the system to fix these perpetual anomalies and instead we must turn to what we know best, pray and forgive because we are children of the living God.
There was a time it was extremely difficult to be a Jew in this world (Holocaust), there was also a time when Catholics were killed or martyred at will by the institution (Roman Empire) and again, history shows the denigration and inhumanity that the Blacks in the Western Hemisphere were subject of (Slavery), then we have the Palestinians, Syrians and so many others that have to deal with discrimination and death threat on a daily basis.

Today in America, the case against police brutality continue to be a thorn in the flesh of the country that profess freedom for all and that we are all created equal.  
In the face of racism, discrimination and hatred, in the midst of hopelessness, stereotypes and constant threat to lives and properties, in the vicinity of overbearing and recklessness in the use of guns and power especially by the Police against especially Blacks in America, I come today to passionately plea that as children of God, let us love these WHITE POLICE OFFICERS, BLACK POLICE OFFICERS AND ALL POLICE OFFICERS and pray for them!
This world is not our final destination!

This institution has the power, influence and money, it can hire the best defense attorney in the country, it can manipulate the law of the land, it can usurp even the justice system, however none, neither institution nor man can influence God to become partial.
As we continue to grieve for yet another unnecessary use of force, leading to the death of another unarmed human being, one who is like a sub-human being to the Police in America, let us not forget to reach out to our God in faith, in hope and in love, because only the almighty can determine our destiny in this world and most especially in the world to come.

Let us Pray:

Dear heavenly Father,

For how long will these police officers continue to molest, intimidate and kill us in America? For how long are we going to live under a system that out rightly negate our freedom to live freely as the others do in America? For how long are our brethren going to suffer martyrdom in the hands of the police officers in America?

O Lord, our God you are the creator of the universe and we are asking you to please come and grant us the kind of peace, security and protection this world cannot offer.
And above all, give us your grace so that we can continue to forgive and pray for these police officers and their system which discriminate against us especially because of the color of our skin.
Thank you for always hearing our prayers, for in Jesus Christ name, we have prayed. Amen!
May the almighty God continue to comfort my people in their pains, sorrows and slavery! Amen!!


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