Wednesday, June 22, 2016


Rev. Fr. John Adeyi is a humble priest that sees goodness in every person!

Behold today after about two months in captivity, here we are, crying, wailing and mourning over his martyrdom in the cruelest fashion one could ever imagine.


Those who have perpetrated this despicable act are within us; they live, eat and drink with us! Some of us even know them and receive some kinds of benefits from them too.


It is about time we allow of conscience to be our guide and expose these miscreant.

The people of Idoma and other well meaning Nigerians must commit to pursing justice at all cost and use the martyrdom of Blessed John Adeyi as the springboard to exterminate forever this kind of culture of death, which is very foreign to our ways of life.


Dear Blessed John Adeyi, as you now rest in peace, where no pain, hurt nor captivity can ever touch you again, please intercede for our land and country and beg Jesus Christ our Lord to forgive us our sins and send the Holy Spirit to come and wash us clean and purify our thoughts, words and actions and make our land a new one again!


Intercede for us, so that love, hope and faith will reign in our hearts, instead of hate, despair and doubt.


Please help those who know these killers to come out and exposed them now, so that justice will prevail today. And may they be restless until they do the right thing!


Rest in perfect peace in the Lord, Jesus Christ whose Cross-you carry until the end.



Servant-of- Jesus Christ


Peter Odeh

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