Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Prayer for America Today about Gun and Violence

Dear God,

I love this beautiful country, America that you have given to us.
However today, we are in the process of annihilating ourselves as a result of Gun and gun violence in our lives, which is hurting everyone so much nowadays.

Today, I come before your throne of grace and commit this great country into your loving hand, O Lord, my God!
Just as you were with the people of Israel of old, I beg you to come and dwell within every heart in this country.

Jesus Christ you told us in the scripture that:

“Those who live by the sword shall perish by the sword.”

Our leaders have failed to protect us because they lack the moral, spiritual and political will and power to effect necessary changes to the gun situation in this beloved country.

O Lord, my God forgive all those who are unable to have the courage to vote against the perpetuation of gun in our culture and touch their hearts, so that they may find the strength to do what is right.

Thank you O Lord, my God for the leaders that continue to fight the gun industry and their earthly powerful supporters. Protect them too and continue to strengthen them to never give up on this noble course.

Holy Spirit, come and dwell in our heart today, so that love, mercy and forgiveness will reside within us.
Help us not to discriminate against those who do not look like us, on the basis of religion, sexual orientation and other life styles that are different from ours.
Fill our heart with love for humanity and give our minds the capacity to be just toward all mankind.

Help us to see that the doctrine of “An eye for an eye and a tooth for tooth” will not break the cycle of violence nor even solve our security situation, instead show us your power in love O lord our God.

Thank you O Lord, my God in anticipation of your divine providence and protection in our lives and the answer to our supplications made in thanksgiving today.

Your Servant-in-Christ,

Peter Odeh

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