Wednesday, September 27, 2017

The Religion in the NFL: Flag, Anthem and Posture

The Religion in the NFL:

Flag, Anthem and Posture

The United States of America is one of the greatest countries in the world and this has nothing to do with her super-power status, but essentially because of the idealism that led to the emergence of the country, namely the quest for true freedom, equality for humanity and the protection of lives and properties. And even though, this idealism has continued to be challenged in every generation, we are on the path of progress and should abide by such, rather than regress and fall into the dark era of lynching and perpetual discrimination against the minorities, especially the people of color.

By simple definition, Religion is the belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
Without doubt, religion is like opium and therefore defies rationality based on simple and logical arguments.

In the United States of America, with her secularism, notwithstanding her Christian foundation, it is not therefore difficult to appreciate why the National Football League and her sports may adequately fit into a pseudo- religion by definition, with the main difference being the seeking of solace, comfort and pleasure in football rather than in the supernatural! And even at that, once in a while, we here exclamation such as what a “Hail Mary” throws!

Americans may be divided on the posture during the National Anthem following Mr. Colin Kaepernick decision to kneel during the singing of the Anthem and therefore draw attentions to some of the unfulfilled dreams and idealism of the American Flag, namely comprehensive justice, equality and freedom and security of lives and properties for all citizens irrespective of color and status. Nevertheless, what in my opinion every Americans believe is true is the powerful message Kneeling before the Anthem, rather than the traditional standing posture and coupled with the reasons for such steps have sent across the entire nation and even to the ends of the world.

How should we honestly and patriotically honor our flag?
Is the posture more critical in comparison to living the idealism that the flag should have come to represents?
And, if that should be the case, what about the Confederate flag? What does it actually represents that Americans should be worthy to honor?

Without an iota of doubt, I do believe the posture during the national anthem is to a greater extent inconsequential, had the messages and reasons why Mr. Kaepernick did not touch our nerve and pragmatically challenged our hypocrisy in the most powerful country in the world!
I believe, the Bible, as a Holy book will not have value if the faithful admire it as such without actually putting it into practice, which will ordinarily translate its importance to nothing more than a historical literature. 
 This argument also applies to the Koran, and we are witnesses to the many lives that have been lost as a result of the desecration of these holy books by some fanatics that valued the book more than the messages they carry.

If we value the flag so much, the onus is on us to live the flag in our lives! Whether you stand, seat or kneel, the most important thing should be trying to relentlessly represent the ideals of the flag.
Freedom of speech for instance is the face of the American flag, as much as justice, protection of lives and properties and patriotism.

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., has knelt before on several occasions to drive home his nonviolence campaign!
Mohammed Ali has exercise his freedom based on patriotism, nationalism and pragmatism by refusing to go to war in Vietnam, a decision that later turn out to be in part the cornerstone and eye opener to the atrocities of a war that historically was called unjust!

I believe, what the young quarterback Colin Kaepernick is saying in the 21st century America is for us to fly the flag at half-mast- this time around, not just the cloth, but everyone that is in reality a microcosm of the flag.

What Mr. Kaepernick has done is colossal indeed and I raise my hat in appreciation for his courage, sacrifice, especially, not minding the misrepresentations of his actions and backlashes from some of us that are passionate in respecting the flag and the anthem and yet, unwilling to yield to the reality of perpetual discrimination against the people of color.

God bless you all.

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