Friday, April 7, 2017

My Lenten Journey 2017: His steadfast love endures forever!

My Lenten Journey 2017:
His steadfast love endures forever!

And just like that, behold another Ash Wednesday celebration which marks the beginning of the 40 Days of fasting preparatory to the celebration of the resurrection of my Lord Jesus Christ!
The year 2017 have a special meaning to me particularly when I reflect upon my status in comparison to where I came from and where I am headed. It has not been easy, nevertheless through them all, my God has maintained his steadfast love, mercy and divine providence in my life.
This journey could not have been possible without my family and friends and especially the faith community and additionally the appreciations and rejections I experienced in my various contemplative posts on Facebook.
My temptations were many indeed; at home and away from home! I also have to deal with my sinful self and come to realize more than ever, my nothingness in comparison to God’s absolute greatness. Furthermore, during this period of Lent in the year of our Lord 2017, I also share a special relationship with my God in a way never done before. The proximity between my God and me was better than years before, and on various occasions, the almighty God has literally lifted me up from the valley of death, sorrows and disappointments.
Through this journey, my hands have been made strong, my heart steadfast in the Lord and my mind wiser than before in knowing about the indispensability of my God in my life. As the Lord lives, so do my faith, hope and love thrive irrespective of my circumstances.

I suffer a lot of spiritual and physical attacks; some nearly breaking me, however, my God did not allow the humiliation I suffered to cloud the eyes of my heart toward his infinite love and goodness to me.
Today is the last Friday before Holy Week and I am so glad that in spite of the fact that I may not have observed the Lenten season prescriptions of fasting, alms giving and prayer as I could have loved to, my little effort was more than compensated by my Lord and savior Jesus Christ, who I try to emulate on a daily basis. By his stripes we are made whole and saved from eternal damnation.

This Lenten journey has exposed my weaknesses and my complete dependent on my God for everything including breathe of life, and for this I am forever grateful to God.
One of my favorite narrative during this period of lent, even though there are uncountable spiritual narratives that continue to help my growth as a father and husband, brother and son, and above all an individual, searching to be a better follower of Jesus Christ is without doubt the STORY OF JESUS ENCOUNTER WITH MARY, MARTHA AND THEIR BROTHER LAZARUS!

As a result of Jesus Christ raising Lazarus from the dead, my faith which had been tested on various occasions has remained grounded in the Lord Jesus Christ. Daily I am reminded of the grace of God, His mercy and love and divine providence in my life.
Lazarus reminded me that there is indeed life after death!
Lazarus reminded me too that Jesus Christ is the Son of the living God!
Lazarus reminded me that none of my dreams shall die as long as they are in accordance to God’s will.
Lazarus showed me that faith in Jesus Christ must be accompanied by my actions in doing my part to bring it about.

The Lenten journey is a process and very much ongoing, and therefore I continue to pray and seek divine guidance, protection and mercy from the almighty God who has once more given me the opportunity to see this day.
Today I may not have all that I wanted in the world, nevertheless I am so happy, grateful and contented with what my God has given to me which is more than the world could ever give- the gift of eternal life through Jesus Christ, who is my Lord and the Son of the living God!


Dear God,
Thank you for my family and friends and especially for your church!
Help me never to harden my heart whenever I listen to your words of eternal life.
Touch me with your gifts of love, hope and faith and increase within me your generosity of mercy, compassion and charity.
Heal my wounds O Lord and God and comfort me in my distress.
Thank you for your divine providence in my life.
And thank you so much for making it possible for us to live and share in thy grace and bounty.
Forgive me my uncountable sins and grant me thy grace to sin no more.

Most Sacred Heart of Jesus Christ, have mercy on me!
Immaculate Heart of Mary and Blessed St. Joseph, pray for me!
St. Martin de Porres and St. Therese of the Little Flower, pray for me!
Angels and saints of God, pray for me.
Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

May God bless you all. Amen.

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