Sunday, January 1, 2017

My New Year -2017 Resolution: “Let Me Recognize the Presence of God”

My New Year -2017 Resolution: “Let Me Recognize the Presence of God”

Retrospectively, the year 2016 could be aptly defined as the Year of Divine Providence in my life! The almighty God visibly intervened over and again from one circumstance to another situation and when I felt it was all over, I was reminded that with God it is never over.
Through it all, come rain and come sun shine, the God I served did not fail me nor did the almighty God abandoned me, instead, through divine providence, he took care of all that concerns me and behold I am here today on this first day of the New Year 2017 to testify of the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.
My New Year Resolution for 2017 is to “Recognize the presence of God in all my thoughts, words and actions, and in the interactions with mankind.

Thanksgiving for the year 2016

On several occasions we all experience the inability to thank God for all the goodness that he has bestowed on us, and therefore it is essential for me to use this opportunity to reflect upon the uncountable instances that I ought to gratefully thank God for being God in my life.
For the uncountable times that the almighty God has forgiven my sins, I thank you O Lord, my God!
For the uncountable times that the almighty God was the healer in my life, thank you.
For the redemption of my life through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, I thank God.
For the compassion, love and mercy of the almighty God, I thank you.
May the many times I have  taken these blessings for granted and yet you O Lord, my God still forgave me, I thank you.
Above it all, for the gift of life, I thank you my God.

Priceless and Precious We Are!

Our society want us to believe that we are worthless, useless and disposable by virtues of the price tag that is on our head, when we are without sickness, homeless, hungry and in need of help! We trash babies through abortion as if they are manufactured goods gone badly! We kill one another through wars and other man made crises that transform the lives of others into perpetual refugees and aliens.
And in spite of this negativity, is it not ironic that, while a healthy individual may seems so worthless, yet, mere medical intervention to replace an organ can be as expensive as 100 times what is needed to prevent such procedure in the first place. For instance, as a healthy man, I was denied health insurance for lack of enough income and yet, my body parts can be sold to replace another organ in a wealthy individual to the amount of Millions of Dollars in such procedures as Kidney, liver, and lungs transplants!
In order words, when we take our health for granted, look no further than to visit the hospital where our sick brethren are waiting in line for organ donation to at least prolong their lives on earth.
Our life is priceless and precious before our God and irrespective of our circumstances, we must recognize the essential fact that our God has given to us and freely too.
Consequently, in the year 2016, I thank God, the almighty, the alpha and omega, and the beginning and the end for his steadfastness, infinite goodness and divine providence, love and mercy.

Demand and Supply
We are always searching for avenues of satisfaction, always wanting something new to add to our material possessions, however the more we acquire the less happy and satisfied we become! This fact is mostly obvious because, we fail to recognize God in what we have. Rather than appreciate what we have and thank God for the blessings, our focus is drawn to what we do not have and therefore essentially creating a gulf of insatiability that no human demand and supply can ever satisfy.
Majority of us are very unhappy because we cannot have the things that are making the other majority unhappy! For instance, we are unhappy because we claimed not to have enough money; regrettably those who have the so called money are unhappy because unfortunately the same money does not bring them the happiness they initially anticipated that material wealth could offer.
In the same fashion, we are unhappy with our job forgetting that there are millions without a job, we don’t like our home, paying little or no attention to the homeless and our parents are not Hollywood stars and that is a reason to be unhappy, whereas Hollywood parents are regretting the fact that some of their children are not what they expected them to turn out to be.
The economic law of Demand and Supply does not apply when satisfaction is the goal and the reason is simple: Man was created for the purpose of worshiping God and their lie the ultimate source of true satisfaction.
When I think about all the oxymoron of life, I have no choice but to seek the path that will guarantee me lasting satisfaction in this world and in the one to come!
My New Year-2017 Resolution is therefore to RECOGNIZE GOD’S PRESENCE, for in so doing, I will be granted both physical and spiritual understanding, knowledge and wisdom to be happy no matter my physical and emotional and spiritual states of body and mind.

Expectations- 2017
This New Year-2017 shall be termed the Year of Divine Glory and Manifestation! Last Year -2016 was evidently and rightly judged as the year of Divine Providence because without any form of income for over three years, the almighty God took control of my family and sustained us through the 365 days that accounted for that year. Every second, minutes and hours, every day, week and month the Almighty intervened over and again to protect us from harm.
For over three years without Health insurance, God kept us healthy.
For over three years without income, God paid for our mortgage and other bills
For over three years without the resolution of the immigration matter, God kept the flame alight
For over three years of injustices, God’s justices kept us in hope, peace and love.
For over three years without the ability to support my families and friends, God sent benefactors to help.
For over three years of being cheated by immigration attorneys, costing us over $40, 000.00, yet the almighty God gave us a forgiven and loving hearts and we were able to focus on Jesus Christ.
These situations did not break us down because our God did not forsake nor abandoned us, instead through his divine providential cares manifested in the uncountable benefactors he sent to us, we were made strong, hopeful and filled with divine happiness, joy and we rejoice daily in his love for us.
The expectations of the New Year- 2017 is obviously the manifestation of the glory of our God, because the Almighty has proved beyond reasonable doubt that he is the protector of the just and he will never put to shame those who called upon his name in times of need.
Thank you O Lord, my God for behold the joy of the Lord is my strength.


Dear God,
Please help me to emulate the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Mother of God who trusted in your divine providence, love and mercy and said “YES” to the message of the angel Gabriel.
Help me to say “YES” to your prompting!
Help me to recognize your presence in my life!
Help me to recognize you in my families, friends and in mankind!
Help me to recognize you in all my undertakings!
Help me to recognize you in those who are in need of you, my God.
Thank you, my Lord and my God, as I seek you in my life. Amen.

@focusinlove @peternhelenodeh

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