Thursday, June 4, 2015

Overcoming the World

“I have told you this so that you might have peace in me (Jesus Christ).
In the world you will have trouble, but take courage, I have conquered the world.”
~John 16:33


We live in a world that majority seems to glorify evil and persecute good, nevertheless, as children of God we must at all times reach out with love, hope and faith in our dealings with humanity.

Irrespective of the faith you may share, without doubt, the words, LOVE, HOPE and FAITH all have universal appeal and understanding.

Love is sacrificial attribute of God, in which we place the interest of others above ours and therefore take upon ourselves the likeness and image of the true God. In love, we see ourselves in others and will never do to them what we do not want done to us.

Hope is a persevering attribute of God, in which no matter how bad a situation may be, we believe that something good will come out of it, only if we trust and look up to the saving power and grace of the Almighty God. Our expectations of tomorrow even though not visible to us, we believe that it shall come and therefore we can wait upon the Lord.

Faith is to believe even without a physical proof. I cannot visualize God physically, but I believe in the existing of the Almighty, who created heaven and earth. Even science must exercise an element of faith in order to establish an order! For instance I have faith in the experiment that I am about to undertake among others.
Today, however Jesus Christ is speaking directly to us in a very powerful, passionate and loving fashion that makes our world to come alive!

Without an iota of doubts, we all go through one challenges or the other in life, and we are being encouraged today to draw strength, courage and comfort from the words of God.


Heavenly Father, thank you so much for ministering to our lives the active words of your son, our Lord, Jesus Christ. Help us this day to wait upon you, rather than lean on our own understanding.
Give us the faith, hope and faith to know that no matter what we are facing, you our Lord and God has destined a way out which will glorify your holy name.

Thank you for the gift of faith and thank you for making it possible for us to hold on to our faith in you.

Bless our family, loved ones and friends.
Touch our lives today with your comfort, peace and love.
Heal of wounds, restore our love and grant us your Divine Mercy.

May your will be done in our lives today through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reign with You, in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever. 
Peter Odeh

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