Thursday, May 28, 2015

In search of Peace and Love: Prayer Walk in Sandtown Baltimore May 26, 2015

Bishop Denis Madden, the Vicar of the Archdiocese of Baltimore on May 26, 2015 joined the Catholic faithful at St. Gregory the Great Catholic Church beginning from 5:30pm for a PRAYER WALK in the SANDTOWN neighborhood where Mr. Freddie Gray was brutally beaten by the police and consequently died of the injuries sustained.

In the wake of Mr. Gray's death, Baltimore witness unprecedented rioting and destruction that were better imagined than described.

The Archdiocese of Baltimore in her continuous effort at rebuilding, reconstructing and offering healing to this heartbroken community is proposing series of initiatives that will engage the community in activities that will bring about better life style and engagement between the public and the church on one hand, and also an improvement in relations with the government.
 Welcome and Opening Prayer was led by Bishop Madden and the congregation was processed through five stops with meditation, prayer and songs.
Pictures from the Prayer Walk can be access from the link below:

Programs of events during the procession are highlighted below.

First Stop: Grocery Store                                                                                  ~ Isaiah 61:4  
Leader: “They shall rebuild the ancient ruins; the former wastes they shall raised up and restore the desolate cities, devastations of generation upon generation.”
Prayer for rebuilding of Sandtown:                                                      
All: We come to you, O God, this evening to pray for the rebuilding in our city of not only structures, businesses, and other non-living things but we also place at Tour throne of grace, the people that own these buildings, the people who worked there, and the patrons who used the stores and businesses which are now closed…….
Second Stop: In Memory of Freddie Gray                                               ~Jeremiah 30:17-19
Leader: “For I will restore your health. I will heal your iniquities…..”
Prayer for restoration:
All: Precious Father, thank you for the act of restoration…..

Third Stop: A place where a life was lost                                    ~Mathew 22: 37-40
Leader: “He said to them, ‘ You shall love the Lord, your God, with all you heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind……….You shall love your neighbor as yourself…..
Prayer for love:
All: God of love, each of us is created in your image and each of us desires to be loved. Help us to not have our disagreements turn into acts of violence……
Fourth Stop: Another incidence of loss of life                                  ~Mathew 6:14-15
Leader: “If you forgive others their transgressions, your heavenly Father will forgive you…….
Prayer for Forgiveness
All: O blessed Christ, my teacher, my savior, my God: you have commended me to love others as myself……
Fifth Stop: The former recreation center                                             ~Romans 15:13
Leader: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Prayer for hope:
All: Heavenly Father, I am your humble servant. I come before you today in need of hope…..
The closing remarks, prayer and blessing were given by Bishop Madden.
May the Almighty God bring peace into our hearts today. Amen!

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