Thursday, May 9, 2013

Reflections: The Holy Siprit

The Holy Spirit prevented Paul and company from entering Asia! Why?
Only God can lock and open the door…Our lives are in His hand and His steadfast love endures forever.
I believe the reason why the Holy Spirit prevented Paul (Acts 16:1-10) may be due to the fact that the Almighty God’s plan is not the same as ours; we see very little, but our God has the control and sees the larger picture. In addition, there might be people more desperate of salvation as supported by Paul’s dream and eventual journey to Macedonia.
Lord, God no matter how I try to reason, one thing that stand out is that there are times in our lives that;
(1)    You prevent us from getting the job,
(2)    You prevent us from getting to school
(3)    You prevent us from getting our ways
(4)    You prevent us from marrying who we wanted
(5)    You prevent us from going where we wanted etc
Yes, because you can see beyond our human limitations and most importantly your plan for us is better than our short-lived dreams and aspirations (Jeremiah 29:11)
Thank you, Lord Jesus Christ for serving me the notice;
The world is not going to like me, if it does not like you!
The world is not going to listen to me, if it does not listen to you!
The world is going to persecute me if it persecuted you!
The world is going to love me, if it loved you….
Yes indeed, we are in a dysfunctional world where many of us have chosen to do it our own way rather than allow the Almighty God to do it for us. Many want to meet our needs without recourse to God and His love and commandment to love Him above everything else and love our neighbors as ourselves.
No wonder then, we have all these issues in life; death, sin, pain, sorrow, frustrations, divorces, cheating, hatred, murder suicide etc….
Lord, God help me to emulate Jesus Christ for the rest of my life and to teach my loved ones and the people I come in contact with that He is the way, the truth and the life, and that anyone who believe and confess that He is the Son of the living God shall have salvation. Amen. 

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